Diet / Weight Loss Forums (Page 2)

Recently active Diet / Weight Loss forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Diet / Weight Loss and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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I tried Contrave approx. 3 months ago for one week. I experienced terrible side effects; extreme nausea, inability to eat anything other than saltine crackers, terrible dry mouth. I couldn't keep anything down for over a week after stopping. Now that I am off, it is like my taste buds have totally changed. I used to love chicken, fish, steak - now I eat only a few bites before I am completely turned off by it. I cannot even smell tuna without my stomach turning (something I used to eat before without issue.) Unfortunately, I still like bread and pasta as much as I always have - it would have been nice to hate those too. I feel like I am turning into a vegetarian. Has anyone else that has taken the drug noticed a change in their palate? I want to know if it will ever go away. ## I to...

2 REPLIES Updated in Contrave

My Endocrinologist put me on Phentermine. I go monthly & I'm charged $100 for a month's worth, plus a B12 shot. My insurance isn't billed for these visits & no copay is charged. I'm not complaining, I'm just wondering why my Endo would do it this way? I'm given a bottle with a handwritten label. Is that normal or at least not unheard of? Location: Florida ## No, it isn't unheard of for a doctor to provide patients with prescription medications, years ago, many doctor's offices had a small, in-house, pharmacy that would be stocked with their most commonly prescribed medications. Some doctors also give samples of some medications to their patients to let them try something, before they commit to filling a whole prescription for something that may no...

1 REPLY Updated in Phentermine

On Contrave six months and lost 44 lbs. I have also lost a tremendous amount of hair. I am female. Anyone else have this problem? ## Hello, Helen! How are you? The FDA does list that as being a possible side effect of this medication, though it is not considered a common one. Other side effects may include nervousness, dizziness, insomnia, and indigestion. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have also lost a lot of hair taking contrave. Shocked how much. It is the Wellbutrin component of Contrave that is the cause. The dose of Wellbutrin in contrave is way at the upper limit of dosing for Wellbutrin if you were just taking Wellbutrin alone. I did not come across this side effect much when I read about Contrave prior to taking it but after the hair loss started I took a second l...

6 REPLIES Updated in Contrave

I would like to order the x112 liquid diet drops that comes from Germany. When I was in Germany I lost lots of weight from using the x112 liquid diet drops. What is the total cost for the x112 liquid diet drops? If I can order by mail please let me know as soon as possible. There was no side effect to using the liquid x112 diet drops. The x112 liquid diet drops came in a very small dark color bottle. ## I would like to order x112 liquid diet drops from Germany. Please tell me how I can order them. ## Heaviest I've ever been. Yo-Yo dieting not working. Best thing I ever tried were German liquid drops. Weight fell of and stayed off for a good15 years. Need to do it again. Where can I order and how much? ## Been looking for x112 since I returned from Germany. If you have info PLEASE! l...

40 REPLIES Updated in Ella

Can pregnant women take apetito tablets? ## Are you referring to the weight loss product? If so, I haven't been able to find any information on what it contains and I'd have to advise no, weight loss is not something a pregnant woman should be concerned with. She needs to eat more to maintain optimal health for both her and the baby. Have you discussed such things with your doctor? ## I am 2cmonths pregnant and am losing weight very much. I got no appetite for anything. What can I take to regain appetite? ## Can I get pregnant while I'm using appetite pills? ## No, I didn't discuss this with my doctor but I need to now. ## Am asking the same qestion ## Hi i have been using appetito pills and I stopped when I found out I was pregnant and now I'm losing weight. Is it s...

14 REPLIES Updated

I'm on my third day. Today I have a severe headache. But my question is this, has anyone had bad diarrhea? I get cramps, then bam. But I was feeling better by night. Today is the worst. Should I continue or stop? ## Hello, Shercon! How are you doing? I'm very sorry about the way you're feeling. Those can be normal side effects of Contrave and it may take about a month for them to wear off, as your body gets used to the medication. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include dry mouth, dizziness and nausea. Have you consulted your doctor? Unless they feel there is some reason to be concerned, you should most likely continue taking it. ## Verwon -- are you taking Contrave? ## I'm on Contrave and the stomach discomfort wore off, very mild headache left to...

21 REPLIES Updated in Contrave

I took phentermine and my UA CAME BACK CLEAN FOR METHAMPHETAMINE, but now they just did a hair sample. Will it test positive for methamphetamine? It's explainable if it does in the hair, but only if it's for amphetamine. I am in so much trouble. ## Most urine tests are not meant to pick up phentermine, especially a urine dip test like you would use at home. Also, most hair test are looking for specific chemical compounds called metabolites and if the metabolites are not there then the test will not show it in the results (negative). In order for a hair test to be positive it will have to have methamphetamine or amphetamine in the hair. Most labs are not looking for phentermine in a hair test. ## I have a hair follicle test for new employment. I am on a qsymia prescription. Will ...

11 REPLIES Updated in Phentermine

oblong blue & white pill scored with check mark on one side and 50/30 on the otherside ## what pill is oblong, blue with blue specks and a check mark on one side and the numbers 50/30 or 30/30 on the other side? ## need to identify blue and white pill with Pro 50 written on it. treatment is 3 pill per day at lunch time. ## This tablet contains 30mgs of Phentermine (NDC 00603-5192). Inactive Ingredients: - Starch, Corn - Fd&c Blue No. 1 - Lactose Monohydrate - Magnesium Stearate - Povidones - Stearic Acid - Sucrose Ref: DailyMed However, this tablet has been discontinued. curious, I can't find anything listed with that marking. Were they prescribed for you, or are they something you purchased over the counter?

3 REPLIES Updated in Phentermine

Hello, I am on week 4 of Contrave and have lost 11lbs. Ever since starting this medication my husband says my breath is bad. I drink a lot of water and have mints but this is like coming up from my stomach. Other than that I haven't had bad side effects. I do sweat more at the gym where as before I didn't. But anyone else experience this or have a solution? I'm very diligent about oral hygiene. ## Hello, Ginaye! How are you? I'm not seeing that listed among the side effects, but it can cause some gas and dry mouth, which may be contributing to the problem. Especially, since you said it seems to be coming up from your stomach. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, insomnia and anorexia. Has anyone else on Contrave experienced this? ## I am currently on week 5 ...

13 REPLIES Updated in Contrave

It's a black pill, says blackjack on it ## This is one of those OTC weight loss/energy supplement pills. ## Please dont take blackjacks!!!! i took one and it almost sent me to the er. i was in bad shape. my heart was thumping, i was out of it, and i was shaking terribly!! believe me, i was on a trip i didn't want to be on. ## Blackjacks are great if you have a caffeine tolerance, they're very strong. But if you're not used to caffeine I advise you stay away from them. However, if it takes more than one energy drink to make you happy then these are for you. BEWARE- very strong, loss if appetite ## I agree. I thought that I was going to have to go to the ER. It is the worst feeling ever!! ## i friend gave me one earlier today and i am having severe shaking, cold sweats, an...

59 REPLIES Updated in Caffeine

green and cream colour capsule ## Sorry drugs from outside the U.S. are just not regulated like those under the FDA's regulations. I can only suggest that you ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information. ## WANT A LITERATURE ON DINITEL ## ok ## i would like to know the side effects of ## Stay away from Dinintel at all cost! seriously addictive you'll stop eating & sleeping altogether and it'll take you a long,long time to detox psychologically & mentally. ## ...of course physically. ## I have tried the pill before and it work so much for me but i cant find it anymore ## I take dinintel and it works prefectly for me with excerise ## i weight 163 pounds..i feel like a log. Somebody recommended Dinintel. Any side effects? ## I AM GOING TO TRY THIS DIET PILL AND I...

68 REPLIES Updated in Asenlix

Are they still available and what do they refer to them as now? ## How or where to purchase robin egg pills? Are they still called robin eggs? ## You guys are talking about the birds eggs diet pills, right? I remember those. Remember what used to be called Phen Fen but that was outlawed cause people were dying? But that was more like in the early 2000s. The robin eggs pills I think were just phentermine or a combinatinon of amphetamines. Did you all remember if it was used to lose weight? ## Hello Nicki, Reportedly the pills you are describing are 37.5 mg Phentermine pills, nicknamed robin eggs for their white and blue speckled appearance, which are primarily used to aid weight loss in conjunction to a weight loss regiment. These pills are still available in the United States but are co...

6 REPLIES Updated in Phentermine

Moro em Lisboa e gostava de comprar uma caixa grande de dinintel ## gostava de comprar o dinintel vivo em londres alguem sabe onde posso arranjar ## Gostava comprar dintel. Moro em Portugal ## Tenho dinintel envio por transitario pagamento por paypal... ## Como posso adquirir-lhe o Dinintel e qual o preço ? ## Sou de portugal. pretendia comprar dinitel (caixa grande), akguém sabe como comprar e qual o valor? Sou de portugal Obrg AM ## amartins : Contacto ? ## amartins : Como posso comprar ? ## queria comprar dinintel. vende por transferencia bancaria? qual o preço e tempo de espera? vivo em portugal ## amartins como posso contactar consigo? Assunto: compra dinintel obrigado ## Quero comprar dinintel rapido ## sou de portugal como posso comprar dinintel com urgencia ## Que...

50 REPLIES Updated in Dinintel

I started Contrave 4 days ago, today being my 5th dose. Every day, I take the pill about 8am and by 9:30-10am I am so sleepy I can't stand it. Days 1 and 2 I managed to fight it off until about 12-12:30, day 3 until about 1-1:30, and day 4 I fought it off until 3pm. If I take a 1-2 hour nap, I wake up fine, with energy and then cannot get to sleep until about 2am, sometimes 3am. Today is day 5, I'm having that "drunk" feeling and sleepy, but no where near how it has been. It seems this effect is slowly wearing off, but I haven't seen anywhere where this is a common side effect. I know all medications effect everyone differently, so I'm wondering if this is something I should be concerned about, or just another side effect that I will get used to as the weeks go o...

86 REPLIES Updated in Contrave

I have been having extremely vivid dreams on Contrave. Some cause me to wake up mid dream. Also noticed that I had to sleep about 20 hours on Sunday after drinking Saturday night. Anyone else seeing these side effects and should I be concerned? ## Those can be normal side effects, alcohol tends to intensify them, according to NIH reports, which is why you are usually told not to imbibe, while taking any prescription medications. It could also cause you to experience more nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea than normal. How are you feeling, now? Has there been any change? ## I seem to be adjusting. Still having vivid dreams, but not so scary that they wake me up. I've been limiting alcohol intake and I have a lot more energy. I actually feel great. No weight loss yet. Starting a new more...

4 REPLIES Updated in Contrave

I have a green square pill with "dp" on both sides. If broken in half, the center is white. Anyone know what these are? ## Based on other related threads here, I think the "dp" stands for Dragon Pharmaceuticals - A company that produces steroids. There are other depictions on MedsChat of square (blue, red, orange, pink, etc) pills marked with "dp" that seem to be from this manufacturer. However, I'm not having any luck finding specific details on a green version. The red square pill with dp is reportedly Anavar (Oxandrolone) 20 mg, so I imagine we're on the right track... Does anyone else recognize this pill? ## It is 50mg oxymetholone (anadrol), produced by dragon pharmaceuticals. ## No, its an AI (aromatase inhibitor) letrozole by dragon pharma ## It...

8 REPLIES Updated in Oxandrolone

Can cold medicine be taken with Contrave like Sudafed or Contac? Are there any side effects by taking cold medicine with it? ## It really depends on the specific cold medication, they are many available over the counter in the U.S., so I couldn't possibly research them all for you. Which one is your normal preferred choice? Can you please post back and clarify? This information would enable me to research an answer to your question. Is Contac available in the U.S., again? I know it had been removed from the market here for a number of years. The FDA warns that Contrave may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, and weight changes. ## Hello, Would Zzquil be okay to take with Contrave?

2 REPLIES Updated in Contrave

I started today with my first dose of contrave, 1 pill in the AM. I also take suboxone 8mg (4 1 time a day). My doctor stated that the interaction of the two should be minimal..yeah NO! I got diarrhea, hot flashes, chills, body aches, and pretty much every withdrawal symptom known to man. I now dont want to take the contrave because I am not ready to stop the suboxone. Should I just stop the contrave and continue the sub? Or how should I go about this? ## Hello, Kiat! How are you? I'm very sorry about what happened. Yes, the Naltrexone in Contrave can cause you to go into withdrawal from any opiate, as listed by the FDA, and you were doubling it up with the Naloxone in the Suboxone that does that same thing. As to how to continue, it usually takes about 3 days, before you can safely...

81 REPLIES Updated in Contrave

Has anyone suffered from ringing in ears from Contrave? I'm going insane :(. but losing weight :) ## Hello, Jojo! How are you? Yes, tinnitus is among the possible side effects that are listed by the FDA. Other symptoms you may experience could possibly include nausea, dizziness, constipation, headache, upper abdominal pain, irritability, rash and muscle strains. How long have you been taking it? Most side effects are transient and will taper off in severity as your body gets used to the medication and will go away entirely after about 4 to 6 weeks. ## yes - please beware this was one of the most horrible experiences of my life...I started contrave - was on it for about a month and started experiencing ringing in my became so loud that I couldn't even hear...I immediate...

40 REPLIES Updated in Contrave

Has anyone switched off of Pristiq to Contrave? My Dr wants me to make the switch. I’m scared to death of the side effects that come with weaning off one and starting another. ## Has anyone recently started Contrave and had to wean off of Effexor or Pristique? I am currently taking Pristique 100 mg and will need to wean off of it and start the Contrave. I’ve had mild depression and anxiety and have taken Pristique for a number of years.

1 REPLY Updated in Contrave
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