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Galenika bensedin is a very high quality pharmaceutical grade diazepam. One of the best brands available are bensedin 10mg x15 tabs in a blister pack of 30x 10mg diazepam to a box. I also use Galenika ksalol/alprazolam 1mg x15 tabs a blister pack, 30x1mg tabs a box. It's also the best Xanax available hands down. It is a Serbian pharmaceutical company and it's up there with Bayer. I wish you could put pictures up so I could show you all the Galenika diazepam and alprazolam worth getting. ## Bensedin are currently being counterfeited and sold in the uk. Like all counterfeits some are good, indeed very, and some not so good, indeed bad and that's within the same strip. Tell tale signs you have counterfeits: First of all if they are in blisters they are likely to be counterfeit ...

426 REPLIES Updated in Diazepam

I’m in my second month taking Mounjaro for weight loss. I am in the first month on the .5 dosage. On week 2 I noticed an extremely itchy red welt at the injection site on my stomach. Week 3’s site is the same. Is anyone else experiencing this? Should I be concerned? I have no other side effects. ## Hello, Cindy! How are you? You should have youf doctor check it out, to be safe, because if you are having an allergic reaction, it could get worse with time, and repeated exposure. Most administration site reactions are benign, so it may not be anything to worry about, but it never hurts to be sure. The FDA lists other side effects of Mounjaro as possibly including nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, appetite loss, and abdominal pain. Ref: Mounjaro Information ## Good afternoon. Let me ...

4 REPLIES Updated in Mounjaro

I am going to be forced into taking a medication that causes suicidal side effects. What are the chances of getting suicidal side effects from Atypical or Antipsychotic medication? Has anyone ever gotten them? Unfortunately the other medications won’t help me and my mental health will be in jeopardy. Are there people out there that were able to take medication that had side effects that cause suicidal problems and are ok? I’m scared out of my trees. I won’t take it for this reason. Are there any good mood stabilizing medications for Bipolar Illness other than antipsychotics? Do they work just as well without the suicidal side effects? Thank you. ## Hi my 69 year old mom died because she was forced to take Risperdal injections and she got terrible suicidal ideation from...

6 REPLIES Updated in Risperdal

I was prescribed Movantik a week ago with the enclosed instructions suggesting that I take 1 tablet in the morning and eat nothing for an hour, which I've haven't done yet because I must have coffee immediately upon waking or otherwise remain nauseous until I do. My question is this: Can I take Movantik after drinking a cup of coffee with cream? Not knowing whether that's ok I've taken the med at bedtime instead for several days now, which A) causes cramps throughout the night + B) was not very effective, i.e. did not produce a BM after I woke up, but I suggesting to me that it likely works better while one is awake and more active after dosing. I'm reluctant to do so however, until I have this question answered. ## Without offering medical advice, all I can say is t...

8 REPLIES Updated in Movantik

Has anyone taken this generic brand of Lorazepam made by Aurobindo pharm? How does it work compared to other brands? ## I refuse all meds made by Aurobindo. I say I am allergic. Idk what they put in the fake adderall they sell but it makes me feel awful so I will go without before I will accept them. ## Following. The only brands I ever tried were leading and watson. Would love to see what other brands are out there ## Idk about the benzos - Mallinckrodt adderall is really weak, but at least it doesn't give me slamming headaches and nausea. I have to take twice as much though. And I am a lightweight. I used to like Watson meds but I never see them anymore. ## I also refuse all drugs manufactured by Aurobindo. ## I usually find them at CVS and Rite Aid. Anywhere else I should avoid? ...

57 REPLIES Updated in Lorazepam

Hi, I've been prescribed Irbesartan 75 mg plus Amlodipine 5 mg. I'm wondering if it is necessary to take both daily since my BP and cholesterol are okay? I'm 70 years old. I've heard some bad reports on Amlodipine. Does anybody have any experience with these medications? I think Amlodipine was making me nauseous. I also feel that my Dr isn't very interested in my side effects, as I have COPD and asthma as well. Thanks. ## What are your usual blood pressure readings? In most cases, if someone is stable, and their blood pressure is being maintained at good numbers, then there is no reason to add more medications, most doctors usually try to lower the number of medications that someone takes. However, if you've been taking them both all along, then it may be the com...

3 REPLIES Updated in Irbesartan

Harvard Medical recently discovered a new treatment regime for AK. This new four-day Harvard Medical protocol is going to save us all from the Efudex & Fluorouracil nightmare: Adding calcipotriene to 5-FU dramatically reduced AKs I used this 4-day treatment for AK in Dec '18 and it works!! Save yourself from the 3 week fluorouracil nightmare and do this 4-day treatment instead. I made this Youtube video of my experience with this protocol: The treatment resolves actinic keratosis in only 4 days. No longer is the pain and discomfort of the commonly prescribed 3 week Flouracil necessary to clear your skin of these pre-cancerous lesions. Mix 5% Fluoroucil and Calcipotriene 50/50 and apply twice per day for four days. Both of these creams can be purchased through prescription. Your ...

13 REPLIES Updated in Efudex

I have been getting the generic Subutex Roxane brand 54 411 Buprenorphine tablets for months now from Walmart pharmacy and the past two times I've gotten my prescription filled there, I was given a different generic made by Hi Tech with an 8 and an arrow. I asked them why the change because those little tablets just are not the same and they said the Roxane ones could not be ordered. I called around to other pharmacies I have gotten my prescription filled at before also and was also told that the Mylan M 924s can no longer be ordered either. What's going on with the Roxane and Mylan Buprenorphine tablets? Did they stop making them or is there some kind of shortage? I had the choice of getting the small Hi Tech tablets which seem alot less potent than the Roxane or the Actavis 15...

195 REPLIES Updated in Buprenorphine

I have been getting my alprazolam substituted with Sandoz 2 mg tabs which do zi[/nada/nothing and Aurobindo 1 mg ER tabs which are also useless. I've had a bad experience with Sandoz and oxazepam before. CVS says Greenstone is discontinued but my independent pharmacy says they are being produced but I have to pay $35 for the Rx because my Part D drug insurance "only reimburses them a few dollars". CVS initially promised me Teva (2mg) and Greenstone 1 mg ER. After getting Sandoz and Aurobindo, they say that their stock varies from day to day and whatever the supplier sends to them that day is what I get. How screwed up is that? ## That is the way it always has worked. You can't order specific generic brands from the pharmacy, and they can't promise you anything. Do yo...

3 REPLIES Updated in Alprazolam

I took 3 tablets of Cytotec by 12pm, putting it under my tongue, and now it's 12am and I have no bleeding. Should I repeat the process? What should I do? pls I need ur help. ## Mam..5 weeks po akong buntis!nag take po aku ng cytotic 2pcs intake 2pcs sa vagina 10pm po un..now its already 1pm wla p rn akung regla.. what should i do? gs2 qpo matanggal to kc tumakas n po ung my gawa skn..plsss mam help me ## I'm 1month delayed. I do pregnancy test and its positive.. I take 3 cytotec and insert in my vagina 2pcs at 10pm. after 4am still no effect so I take 2 cytotec again and insert 1 cytotec until morning. still no blood.. do I need to take another cytotec again?.. and how to do?.. please help me... I'm working overseas...thank u so much... ## I'm 17,the first day of my last...

22 REPLIES Updated in Cytotec

OMGOSH... I can not believe I am asking this, but.... I am on month 4 of Contrave and my urine has an odor. I have looked at the side effects and I do not see that as one of them.... Does anyone else have this issue or is it just me? ## Almost any medication can cause such a side effect, according to NIH studies, since you are adding a new chemical to your body. However, if you start experiencing other symptoms, such as pain, burning when urinating, or blood in your urine, please see your doctor, as soon as possible. Are you on any other medications? ## I’m having the same issue. Going to see doctor to make sure it isn’t another problem, but I’m almost positive it’s the Contrave. Started about a month in as well. ## Yes, yes, yes. I am entering my third month on ...

17 REPLIES Updated in Contrave

Hi, Has anyone seen/taken or have any information on Bensedin (Galenika) Diazepam 10mg? The box/strip looks ok but the actual tablet is white circular/domed with no markings at all.... I presume that they are Eastern European. Any information at all would be most appreciated. Peace ## Yes, received my prescription today. Took 1/4 tab, now, two hours later, my spasms from a ski shoulder injury, are not spasming anymore. I plan to take another 1/4 tad 2.5mg before bed. Seems like a good brand. ## Galenika bensedin is very very high quality pharmaceutical grade diazepam! it is top notch, one of the best brands available. Bensedin 10mg x 15 Tabs in a blister pack, 30 x 10mg diazepam a box, and around. I also am prescribed Galenika ksalol/alprazolam 1mg x 15 tabs a blister pack 30 x 1mg tabs...

986 REPLIES Updated in Diazepam

Please help me determine if the diazepam I got in my rx refill are a good brand? They are round, white, and just about the same size as the diazepam I've gotten from my pharmacy in the past except those were green and manufactured by Mylan. The ones I got have a criss cross on one side and the imprint on the other side says VAIUM 10. They came in a blister pack with dates of expiration and the words Abbott Healthcare. They don't seem as relaxing as the US ones I've had. Anyone have any experience or input? It would be greatly appreciated ## Truth is, there's no safe way of knowing if what you got is a good brand unless you had it analyzed by a lab first. Counterfeits today are so good that there's sometimes no telling them apart with just a physical description alone...

114 REPLIES Updated in Diazepam

I found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it? ## The pill in description is Buprenorphine hydrochloride (subutex) 8 mg. It is a semi-synthetic opioid that is used to treat opioid addiction in higher dosages (>2mg) and to control moderate pain in non-opioid tolerant individuals in lower dosages (~200 mg). Yes, Subutex can be administered intravenously. This is a very addictive drug that gives off a euphoric rush similar to other opioids in addition to a slight "upper"-like effect. ## Hello, administering these intravenously is very dangerous so please take them from her and tell her she is messing with her life, i am only 24 and have never used a needle but have had drug problems all my life since i...

347 REPLIES Updated in Subutex

Has anyone experienced sudden memory loss while taking Mounjaro? I noticed it a couple of weeks after starting. It was not the normal "aging" loss - it was more pronounced and happened suddenly. I know it could have been a TIA, but it did seem coincidental. ## Memory loss is not listed among the known side effects provided by the FDA nor the manufacturer of Mounjaro themselves [1]. Side effects typically include nausea, stomach pain, elevated heart rate, and heartburn. Ref: Mounjaro Information On the contrary, I did find a PubMed abstract concluding that “Tirzepatide (the active ingredient in Mounjaro) obviously exerts a protective effect against spatial learning and memory impairment, potentially through regulating abnormal insulin resistance and inflammatory responses....

25 REPLIES Updated in Mounjaro

what is the difference between Meganeuron and neurobion ## Hi Jess, There are some differences in the ingredients between these two supplements, which you can view below... Each Neurobion tablet contains: Vitamin B1 100Âmg Vitamin B6 200Âmg Vitamin B12 200Âmcg Each Meganeuron tablet contains: Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) 750 mcg, Alpha lipoic acid 100 mg, Folic acid (Vitamin B9) 1.5 mg. I hope this helps! ## Whether Meganeuron and Neurobion can be taken together, if taken together any side effects? ## Slightly numbness and tingling in my left hand and thigh, can I take meganeuron od+. At night, please suggest ## Neurobion and meganeuron both cap can I take together ## Difference between Meganeuron and Neurobion Forte. Which is recommended for nerve pain

5 REPLIES Updated in Folic Acid

Can people with bipolar illness take vitamin D supplements safely without becoming depressed or manic? I have bipolar illness and I can’t bring myself to take vitamin D because of the stories that I heard. ## Can a Vitamin D3 Supplement cause mania in a person with bipolar illness? Especially if the D3 Supplement is fish oil based? I was supposed to take this supplement about two years ago. I have anxiety amongst other things and I can’t bring myself to do it. I feel that I’m paying the price. Thank You

1 REPLY Updated in Bipolar Disorder

Been on Sandoz mfr. lorazepam for 10 years; no problems; no need to increase dose. Sandoz stopped mfr. Now, can only get these generic's & Actavis. Having lots of troubles getting results; either nothing or zonked. Anyone else w/any experience which mfr. is closer to Sandoz (since FDA approves up to 2% differences in generics). Thank you. ## Hello! I have been getting 90 days supplies of Lorazepam 1MG from SANDOZ....my new Rx just came and it's from ACTAVIS.....it does not work or relieve any anxiety at all....I might as well take a placebo...it does not work at all....I took 2 pills...nothing and then 1hour later took 2 more....before with the other brand...I would probably be asleep....but,nothing with this new brand.....I do not know what to do about this....... ## I have...

534 REPLIES Updated in Lorazepam

Appetite suppressant for weight loss. ## I would like to buy this product again for weight loss. It was the most effective weight loss product I have ever used. I bought it in Erlangen, Germany in a Pharmacy. I would like to know how I could purchase it again? It is over the counter and a non-prescription. It is a liquid in a bottle - X112 . ## I also took the diet X112 while I was stationed in Germany. It was the only diet med that ever worked for me and I kept the weight off for several years after I stopped taking it. I wish that I could find it also so please let me know if and when anyone does. Mine was prescribed by a doctor. ## I have just recently heard of X112 myself. I need to lose weight and have a bad knee. These drops would help me so much. Please let me know if they can be...

199 REPLIES Updated in Caffeine

I am really confused about everyone's posts concerning the leading brand Lorazepam. I have been taking the generic form of Lorazepam 2mg for 25 years. I've used every kind, from Watson to the current leading one. It appears that the sugary taste is the primary issue for everyone here. The amount of negative reviews about this company is absurd. They are no different than any other generic Lorazepam; they work the same. The only difference in this pill is the inactive ingredient, which contains potassium, and that's why the pill tastes like sugar. However, my point is, if you are a long-term user of benzos, you would have all ended up withdrawing and possibly seizing if the pill really didn't contain the main ingredient. The ER doctor would have been the first to report t...

106 REPLIES Updated in Lorazepam
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